Usually the FormWork Tab is not visibile because the FormWork Excel Client has been disabled. 

Below a series of common conditions that can determine this issue are listed.

Before any inspection close all open Excel instances (also check Excel processes in your Task Manager). 

Most common checks

  1. Install Client and check prerequisites for installation
  2. Ensure that prerequisites are installed. 
  3. Check "Formwork Excel Client" is present among the installed software.

Check the plugin boot policy
  1. Open Excel and select File / Options / Add-ons
  2. From the combo box "Manage" select "COM add-ins" and then click "Ok"
  3. Check if Formwork Excel Client is listed and checked

Check the plugin activation
  1. Open Excel and select File / Options / Add-ons
  2. From the combo box "Manage" select "Disabled Elements" and then click "Ok"
  3. Check wether the Formwork Excel Client is listed (in case activate it)

Check the add-in il correctly registered
  1. Run regedit.exe
  2. Check for the key "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins\SDM_ExcelClient". (depending on the installation version, the key could also be "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins\SDM_ExcelClient")
  3. Check the following keys exist:
    1. Default
    2. Description
    3. Friendly Name
    4. Load Behaviour
    5. Manifest
  4. Check the value of the Load Behaviour key: it shoud be 3

Check if there is a loading error

  1. Open My Computer Properties
  2. Click on Advanced Tab
  3. Click on the Environmental Variable
  4. Click on New User Variable
  5. Add VSTO_SUPPRESSDISPLAYALERTS with value 0 press OK
  6. Repair ISDM Excel Client from add/remove program
  7. Open Excel again, it will prompt an error message.

Uninstall and reinstall

If you still have trouble, uninstall and then reinstall the plug in.