Starting with version 1.20.0 you can change the user password from the login mask tools in FormWork Administration Console and FormWork Excel Client.

To enable password change server side you should check that it is set to default the membership provider AspNetSqlMembershipProvider in the web.config of your FormWork server. The password change is then only active for FormWork native users, if you login using other providers (eg Active Directory) password change is not allowed.

To enable password change from the client side, in the login form open the window where your FormWork servers connections are inserted (Server -> <Manage Connections>) and then check "Allow me to change password" bottom left.

After entering the username and selecting the FormWork server, you will see a button "change password", when you click it you will be prompted to enter your old password, the new password and confirm new password.

When you click Ok, wait for the confirmation message. The password will be updated.