Purpose: Send available values and optionally selected value of a POV.
- Name: Slice
- Type: Select from list
- Direction: in
- Purpose: POV to refresh
- [optional] Name: ComboValueList
- Type: List<String>
- Direction: in
- Purpose: Available values of POV
- [optional] Name: SelectedValue
- Type: String
- Direction: in
- Purpose: Selected value of POV
Remark: Refresh slice is used in several ways:
- To refresh available values of a slice if something on your database has changed
- To do so, select POV to refresh and leave the other parameters null. Formwork will perform population query and send to client resulting output.
- To set POV Select value from server-side
- If SelectedValue is set, Formwork Server will perform POV population query then will send output to client but will force it to select specified value
- To provide alternative list of values than population query output
- To do so, set parameter ComboValueList