In this article all fields contained in a log message are listed:
Property | Description | Examples comma separated (... indicates other values possible) | Used in case of exception |
absolute_url | Invoked Web Service Url | /DesktopModules/MDMWebServices/WSPortalAPI.asmx /DesktopModules/ExcelAddin/ExcelAddin.asmx... |
active_tab_id | Folder ID | integer | |
active_tab_name | Folder Name | Home, Security Roles , User Accounts , Workflow library... | |
assembly_version | Web Portal Assembly Version | 5.6.4, -1 | |
class | Class that registered the exception | WSAdministrationConsole, GlobalBugTrapper, SDMController, TiCarICOBridge | YES |
client_machine | Username connected to the machine that runs the Excel Client | Domain\username | |
client_message | Log message sent by the Excel Client | Commit started, Read Board started, Open map Board... | |
client_version | Excel Client Version | 1.27.1, 1.25.0, 1.28... | |
default_data_provider | Default Data provider used for the operation | SqlDataProvider, OracleDataProvider | |
event_type | Web Portal Event Type | General events, Security events | |
excel_version | Excel Version that hosts the Excel Client | 2007, 2010, 2013 | |
exception_guid | Exception GUID | a679cc4c-9755-4869-b461-b3f8afa6bd25, 0f0a1ee3-5ddd-4b06-b780-992b4fa493c1... | YES |
facility | Logging application | ISDM | |
file_column_number | Character number in the javascript file that generated the exception | integer |
file_line_number | Line number in the javascript file that generated the exception |
integer |
form | Form involved in the operation | Forecast, budget Data-entry.... | |
incoming_bytes | Number of read bytes | integer |
inner_exception | Innested exception | Invalid token, The user account has been locked out, Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: domain of forward path is not allowed... | YES |
level | Alert level | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 | |
logged_user | User involved in the operation | Admin, domain\username, ... | |
login_success | Login information | login success for user=SOC2_USER; machineId=DOMAIN\name.surname\Excel14\; processId=4072... | |
machine_culture | Culture in the OS running the Excel Client | it-IT, en-US,... | |
message | Log Message sent to the server | Commit completed, Form generated... | |
message_source | Message source | Client Excel, ISDM Server, Administration console | |
method | Method that generated the exception | RefreshLastActivityDate, ProcessException, ReleaseLock | YES |
new_value | Slice new ID | integer | |
old_value | Slice old ID | integer |
operation | Operation run by Excel Client | Read, Write, Exec, Drill down, Slicer, Delete | |
os_platform | Processor Architecture | x64, x86 | |
os_version | OS running the Excel Client |
Windows 7, Windows 8 | |
outcoming_bytes | Bytes sent over the network during write | integer | |
portal_id | Formwork instance ID | 0 | |
portal_name | Formwork instance name | Iconsulting ISDM dev, Iconsulting ISDM prod... | |
process | Process ID running the Excel Client | integer | |
process_platform | Process execution mode running the Excel Client |
x64, x86 |
raw_url | Error page URL in web portal | /DesktopModules/ExcelAddin/ExcelAddin.asmx, /Admin/Security/SecurityRoles/tabid/50/ctl/User Roles/RoleId/6/mid/364/Default.aspx, ... | YES |
record_sent | Number of records sent in the phase of write | integer | |
rows_affected | Number of records written in the phase of write | integer | |
server_version | Server Version | 1.27.1, 1.25.0, 1.28... |
session_milliseconds | Excel Client session duration | integer | |
slice | POV name | Budget Holder, Entity, Subledger | |
source | Portal Name @ Machine Name | Iconsulting ISDM dev@ICOSRV01 |
thread_culture | Thread Culture generating the exception | it-IT, en-US,... |
time_elapsed | Operation duration | 00:00:00.24, 00:00:00.16... | |
total_memory | RAM used from the process running the Excel Client |
integer | |
total_milliseconds | Milliseconds used to finish the current operation | integer |
total_physical_memory | RAM available in the machine running the Excel Client |
integer |
user_id | User ID running the operation | integer |
username | User Name running the operation | Admin, domain\username, ... |
version | Workflow version used by a procedure | 1.0 | |
xsd_bytes | Amount of bytes that make up the xsd | integer |