The distributed logging system can be enabled or disabled at will.
The system consists of two services the Logger and the Exception handler.
To activate the logger make sure you have enabled the Log router.
The component can be enabled upon login as SuperUser is visible in Host -> Schedule
The scheduler shows all scheduled jobs. Once installed version 1.23 or higher, on the first time the server is run, the job 'Log router' is created and enabled.
It is possible to edit the job and change the frequency, see last executions result, or disable it to prevent the sending of log off the network where the FormWork instance is.
Exception handler
To enable the exception handler, log in to the system as admin and navigate in the Admin -> FormWork modules -> FormWork service console.
In the section 'Exception servers' make sure you have enabled the checkbox 'Enable exception reporting'.
For more information see Configure the Exceptionless server exception.